ToCYuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory   •  "Вечер Юрия" в Обсерватории Ротни

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
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"Вечер Юрия" - годовщина космического полета Юрия Гагарина - ежегодно празднуется энтузиастами космонавтики по всему миру. Этот фоторепортаж - с юбилейного праздника в Астрофизической Обсерватории Ротни (Калгари).
Yuri's Night is a traditional celebration of Yuri Gagarin's first space flight, run by space enthusiasts around the globe every year in April. This is the report from this year's 50-th anniversary celebration in the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory (Calgary).
Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
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Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
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Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
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Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
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Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
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"Вечер Юрия" - 2011  •  Yuri's Night - 2011

Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory

Page 1: Yuri's Night in Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
Стр. 1: "Вечер Юрия" в Обсерватории Ротни

Russian Party Time! /

Page 3: Russian Party Time!
Стр. 3: "Вечер по-русски!"

Demo of the Vostok addon for the Orbiter Sim
 / Демонстрация

Page 2: Demo of the Vostok addon for the Orbiter Sim
Стр. 2: Демонстрация "Востока" в "Орбитере"

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